Why Is My AC Leaking Water?
With summer around the corner, now is the time to take care of AC repairs. It’s not uncommon for puddles to form on the ground below an AC unit but water leaks are a sign of a bigger internal issue. Below are some common causes to look out for.
Clogged Drain Line
Clogs in your drain lines can be created by dirt, algae, and other debris. If your condensate drain pipe clogs, the drain pan can overflow, leaking water onto the ground. The drain pipe can be cleaned out to easily fix the problem. However, if this issue is frequent and continuous, you should consider installing an overflow shut off device to automatically turn the AC off when the drain lines clog.
Dirty Coil
Evaporator coils work by collecting condensation and draining it. The condensation runs down the coil and eventually reaches a plumbing drain. However, when dirt, mold, dust, and debris collect on the coil, the water can no longer bond and run down the coil. It may drip off and form puddles on your floor. Water that does manage to run down the coil bonds with the debris and can clog up the drain lines, cause for more leakage. When you set up a preventative maintenance program with Express Refrigeration, our technicians will do regular coil cleanings to prevent this issue.
Icy Coil
If your coil gets iced over, the melting can flood the drain pan and cause leakage as well. Icy coils can be caused by dirty air filters and refrigerant leaks. Regularly changing air filters and checking for leaks can help prevent icy coils. Both of these issues could cause the temperature to drop and freeze the water around the coil. Air filters should be changed every 2-3 months. If the issue is a refrigerant leak, call a technician to diagnose and repair the issue. During preventative maintenance programs, technicians also change air filters and look for leaks.
Other possible reasons for an AC leak are a disconnected drain line, low refrigerant, damaged condensate drain pan, and more. In order to truly determine the cause, a licensed technician should examine the unit and diagnose the problem. If you’re looking to diagnose your unit or set up a preventative maintenance program in Sacramento, call Express Refrigeration today!